Faces of the Aging Aorta


This image shows three pathological specimens of the aorta. In the first image minimally raised fatty streaks are noted. (a). In image b, the fibrous capsule causes raised fibrofatty nodules, while in c, there gas been rupture of the plaques, with friable atheromatous plaques abound. Courtesy Henri Cuenoid MD 13420c CVS artery aorta atheroscleosis atheroma fatty streaks fibro


81 year old male showing significant unfolding of the aorta with leftward shift of the trachea caused by lengthening of the aorta over time.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net

As a person ages, the aorta may gradually elongate or become longer. This elongation can be due to the continuous stretching and remodeling of the aortic wall over the years.

Normal and Severe Atherosclerosis
18485c01 aorta artery hepatic artery renal artery splenic artery superior mesenteric artery SMA kidney severe atheroscleroris atheroma occluded renal artery spleen liver normal anatomy angiogram angiography
Ashley Davidoff MD